

Vikar Sjælland ApS

CVR: 37179876
Elverhøjsvej 16
4700 Næstved
Vikar Sjælland_Logo

Vikar Sjælland har hovedkontor i Næstved og et satellitkontor i København og Rødby dermed orienteret om hele Sjælland, Lolland & Falster. Vi er derfor et naturligt valg, når det kommer til rekrutterings– og vikarløsninger på hele Sjælland, Lolland & Falster.
Vikar Sjælland har en vikar- og rekrutteringsafdeling, en entrepriseafdeling samt en transport- og jernbaneafdeling.
Vi kan derfor tilbyde en bred vifte af løsninger til vores kunder indenfor bl.a. lager- & produktion, byggepladsservice, håndværkere, maskinførere og chauffører + 3.500 kg samt jernbaneområdet.
Vikar Sjælland leverer vikarløsninger fra dag til dag, men i tilfælde af specielle eller specifikke opgaver som eksempelvis kræver en specifik uddannelse, specifikke kurser, speciel erfaring etc., kan der dog forekomme en ekspeditionstid, hvilket kunden altid vil blive orienteret om, inden opgaveløsningen igangsættes.
Vikar Sjælland finder vikaren, kvalitetssikrer i forhold til opgaven og tager sig af alt det administrative i forbindelse med ansættelsen.
Vores kunder benytter sig i høj grad af vores tværfaglige kompetencer og den fleksibilitet, vi kan tilbyde.
I Vikar Sjælland har vi udviklet vores eget Profil- & kundedatabasesystem, som gør det nemt for vores samarbejdspartnere at bestille en vikar, godkende timeforbrug, trække økonomiske oplysninger, trække statistikker etc. direkte fra systemet.
Vikar Sjælland følger til enhver tid kundens overenskomst og overholder dermed vikarlovens bestemmelser.
Vi er aldrig længere væk end et telefonopkald og kommer meget gerne forbi til en snak om, hvad vi kan tilbyde jer.

Vikar Sjælland is a temp & recruitment agency based in Næstved and with a satellite office in Copenhagen and Rødby, which ensures we have a reach that covers all of Zealand, Lolland & Falster. This makes us a natural choice when it comes to recruitment and temp solutions for all of Zealand, Lolland & Falster.
Vikar Sjælland has a temp and recruitment department, a construction department and a transport and railway department.
We are therefore able to offer a wide range of solutions to our clients in areas such as warehouse & manufacturing, construction site services, tradesmen, machine operators and drivers +3,500 kg as well as railway work.
Vikar Sjælland provides temp solutions on a day-to-day basis, although sourcing staff for special assignments that require a specific set of skills or qualifications may take longer. In such cases, we always make sure to inform our clients of how long we anticipate the recruitment assignment will take before we start.
Vikar Sjælland finds the temp worker, makes certain he/she is able to perform the assignment and handles all the administrative work involved in the recruitment process.
Our clients make frequent use of our interdisciplinary skills and the flexibility we can offer them.
At Vikar Sjælland, we have also developed our own Profile & Client Database system, which makes it simple for our partners to book a temp, approve hours and extract financial data or other statistics directly from the system.
Vikar Sjælland always makes sure to comply with the client’s collective agreement and is therefore compliant with the Danish Act on Temporary Agency Workers (vikarloven).
We are always ready to take your call and would be happy to drop by for a talk about what we can offer your business.

Core Services
Manpower Service
Manpower Service
Manpower Service Manpower Service
Manpower Service Manpower Service


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