Materialeleverancer, Offshore Services, Værktøj- & Materialeudlejning
Materialeleverancer, Offshore Services, Værktøj- & Materialeudlejning
Jan Bæk Trading, er en virksomhed som beskæftiger sig med salg, udlejning og service af hele vores nedenstående program:
Løfteudstyr, transportudstyr og speciel løfteudstyr, fra det helt lille til det helt store.
Trucks, stablere, løfteborde, løftesystemer samt meget andet special udstyr.
Containere, moduler, specialcontainere samt alt i tilbehør til opbygning af containere, vi udfører også selve opbygningerne af de ønskede containere.
Så vi har et meget bredt og stærkt program, med anerkendt mærker.
Vi finder den rigtige løsning til jer.
Jan Bæk Trading ApS is a Danish company based in Harndrup, specializing in the sale, rental, and servicing of a wide range of equipment in the lifting and transport sector. The company offers products such as forklifts, stackers, lift tables, lifting systems, and specialized equipment.
In addition, they provide containers, modules, and special containers, along with accessories and the construction of customized container solutions.
Jan Bæk Trading collaborates with renowned brands like Containex, Aluprof, Silverstone, and LGH, ensuring high-quality products and solutions for their customers.
The company was established in 2013 and has since focused on delivering tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of their clients.
For more information or to find a solution that suits your needs, you can contact Jan Bæk Trading ApS through their website or by phone.
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